Rod Raglin

This blog will touch on the experiences I have as a writer (not to be mistaken for my experience as a writer, i.e. how many books I've written, etc); the pleasure and the pain, the joy and the grief, the satisfaction and the frustration, the magic and the reality - have I left anything out, oh yeah, the rejection, rejection and more rejection,  the humiliation and the embarrassment, the jealousy and the resentment - that pretty much covers it, except for why I do it which perhaps I'll realize along the way. Are you totally confused? Good, let's begin.

Running out of things to read? Join my beta-reading team.

Amazon won’t deliver my books to Canada or within the USA.


Part of my process of self-publishing is to send my new work to beta readers. The payback, I’d like to believe, is their contribution enhances an original work of art. Too grandiose? Okay, how about they get to be one of the first people to read a soon-to-be bestseller? Wishful thinking? At the very least, they get a free book once it’s published with their name listed on the Acknowledgement Page. And, of course, my undying gratitude.


But alas! Due to COVID19 Amazon is not shipping books to Canada, saying, “...due to the current Prevention measure taken by the US and due to increased demand for essential goods, we have been forced to reduce product selection available for delivery to Canada and also within the US as well.”


Some of my beta readers prefer ebooks, but others want paperback proof copies, and so do I. For me, the typos and dropped words I’ve missed in my Word manuscript jump out from a hard copy. And there are a lot of them.


So that means, The Bird Witch - Book 4 in The Mattie Saunders Series, will have to wait for what I’m not sure. A vaccine?


Until then, if you’re running out of things to read, contact me at and I’ll send you the ebook ARC of The Bird Witch along with some beta-reading tips.


Just think, not only will you be one of the first people to read a soon-to-be bestseller, your contribution will have enhanced this an original work of art.