Rod Raglin

This blog will touch on the experiences I have as a writer (not to be mistaken for my experience as a writer, i.e. how many books I've written, etc); the pleasure and the pain, the joy and the grief, the satisfaction and the frustration, the magic and the reality - have I left anything out, oh yeah, the rejection, rejection and more rejection,  the humiliation and the embarrassment, the jealousy and the resentment - that pretty much covers it, except for why I do it which perhaps I'll realize along the way. Are you totally confused? Good, let's begin.

Mad Maggie and the Wisdom of the Ancients - FREE

Mad Maggie and the Wisdom of the Ancients - FREE
Book 3 in the stand-alone series Eco-Warriors is free “til February 12, 2019
Download your copy at



Maggie is such an unexpected protagonist with so many barriers to achieving her dreams that I found her inspiring. I cheered for every single one of her victories. I feel that few romance heroines deserved HEA more.
- FIVE STARS, Shomeret on Flying High Reviews


"A good read that explores an improbable romance with all its consequences."
- FIVE STARS, C. Widmann, Goodreads review


"The storyline was captivating, the characters believable."
- FIVE STARS, Reviewed by Bitten by Books


"Magical story!"
- FOUR STARS, Elspeth, Goodreads review


"The plot was unconventional, it really had me hooked... Insightful.
- FOUR STARS, Dee, Goodreads review


"Loved it! Couldn't put it down."
- FOUR STARS, review


Two passionate opponents, the antithesis of each other are about to clash over the future of a grove of Ancient Old Growth Forest on a secluded island.


Maggie talks to trees. Dieter talks to corporations. Maggie embraces mystery and flirts with magic. Dieter adheres to logic and the doctrine of Nietzsche. Dieter's client wants to destroy the trees. The trees want Maggie to protect them. Dieter has terminal cancer. Maggie is schizophrenic. Maggie says she can save him if he saves the trees. Dieter thinks she's crazy, but what choice does he have?


A week together alone on Deadman's Island changes everything for both of them. Is it madness? Is it magic? Or is it love?


Mad Maggie is a love story between two disparate characters, a brilliant though somewhat anal retentive corporate lawyer whose personal and career mantra is "the will to power," and a free, uninhibited spirit who practices natural healing on a secluded island in the wilderness.


It's a story about protecting wild things and wild places as well as the devastating effects of mental illness and the stigma society still inflicts on those affected. It's a story about compromise, tolerance and understanding and how these feelings spring from love and are nurtured by it. It's about mystery, secrets and power that abounds in nature and within ourselves.


Mad Maggie and the Wisdom of the Ancients is the third book in the stand alone series ECO-WARRIORS.