This blog will touch on the experiences I have as a writer (not to be mistaken for my experience as a writer, i.e. how many books I've written, etc); the pleasure and the pain, the joy and the grief, the satisfaction and the frustration, the magic and the reality - have I left anything out, oh yeah, the rejection, rejection and more rejection, the humiliation and the embarrassment, the jealousy and the resentment - that pretty much covers it, except for why I do it which perhaps I'll realize along the way. Are you totally confused? Good, let's begin.
So how was your year in writing?
Mine was, as always, interesting though not commercially successful. I'll list my publishing credits for 2016 at the end of this blog that way you can skip them if you like.
I'd rather talk about what worked and more often what didn't. I want to tell you what I learned and how I feel about it. Perhaps by the end of this accounting a way to move forward will become evident - a more positive, less frustrating one.
To complete and self publish two novels, as well as resurrecting and self-publishing two plays means, if nothing else, that I've been busy. I've also tried to keep up to date with the latest trends in the industry including the new publishing platforms and book marketing techniques.
After the launch of The Local Rag in October, I once again revisited that dark place, the one where I feel the only way I'll achieve publishing success is by divine intervention and how likely is that for someone as undeserving as me?
I had used every iota of publishing savvy I had gleaned from a myriad of sources and, though more successful than previous launches, it came up short - way short. To continue what I was doing and expecting a different result, well, that's a definition of insanity, or at least severe delusion.
The only thing I had yet to attempt that is highly touted by the book marketing gurus is the internet connection - becoming chummy with groups of writers and readers online. The theory is if you're sincere and share something of yourself a relationship will bloom and from relationships evolve all good things, right? Anyhow, you get the picture.
What did I have to lose? Say again, what did I have to lose? Nothing. All, right maybe dignity, but how bad could it be?
Goodreads is a big proponent of the benefit of participating in groups. I joined three; two were dead and the few active members of the one that was functioning were so ostentatious I couldn't stand it.
Internet group snobs - who'd have known.
I registered with Amazon's Write on, "a place for all the people who make great writing happen. Here, "you can get support and provide feedback at every stage of the creative process." Very quickly it becomes apparent this site is populated primarily by new writers - very new writers, many whom have no desire to go further. They write their stories, post them on the site and receive positive, if specious, comments that feed their delusion. Go deeper into the site and there are some very toxic groups - interesting but not illuminating.
Then there's Wattpad and Inkitt. Both these sites are primarily populated by teenagers - seriously. However, moving forward with the "what have I got to lose" attitude I decided to participate.
I began writing a story for the target audience just to see what kind of response I'd get. It's actually been fun, submitting chapters and seeing how many hits you get - not many. Here's the link to The Rocker and the Bird Girl.
I also contributed mini reviews for a number or works posted on Inkitt. It's safe to say very few writers on this site understand the basic structure of a story - though some have been less hostile than others in regards to learning about it.
This sojourn into internet socialization has been exhausting and fruitless. My time is better spent trying to sustain my Advance Reading Team e-mail list which seems to diminish with every campaign I send out - a disturbing trend.
You can help bolster it by signing up if you like and get free e-books, discounts and interesting links to other writing stuff from time to time. Click here to sign up.
In 2017 I'll focus on East Van Saturday Night - four short stories and a novella, currently being considered by a traditional publisher, and re-releasing under my own name Not Wonder More - Mad Maggie and the Mystery of the Ancients, the third book in the Eco-Warrior Series when my publisher finally relinquishes the rights.
I currently have two works in progress that are introducing me to fascinating characters including an asexual politician, a passionate ornithology student and a ass-kicking rock guitarist who studied at Juilliard. I'm learning new things and visiting exotic places.
And they say a writer's life is lonely.
Achievements (?) in 2016
Self-published Abandoned Dreams (March 22)
Resurrected and self-published two plays, Harry's Truth (July 15) and End of The Rope (August 16)
Self-published The Local Rag (October 8)
Read and reviewed 12 books
Wrote and posted 34 blogs
Stay Calm, Be Brave, Watch for the Signs
Find reviews, blurbs and buy links to my seven novels and two plays at
Facebook for writing news, my experience as a writer as well as promotions, contests, giveaways and discounts regarding his books
Video book reviews of self-published authors now at Not Your Family, Not Your Friend Video Book Reviews:
Cover Art of books by self-published authors at
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