Rod Raglin

This blog will touch on the experiences I have as a writer (not to be mistaken for my experience as a writer, i.e. how many books I've written, etc); the pleasure and the pain, the joy and the grief, the satisfaction and the frustration, the magic and the reality - have I left anything out, oh yeah, the rejection, rejection and more rejection,  the humiliation and the embarrassment, the jealousy and the resentment - that pretty much covers it, except for why I do it which perhaps I'll realize along the way. Are you totally confused? Good, let's begin.

Pre-order book promo fails to produce sales

I warned you.


Now it’s too late.


Back On September 6th, 2015, I launched the pre-order campaign for the re-issue of the e-book version of Saving Spirit Bear – What Price Success? (formerly entitled Spirit Bear). Up until November 8th you could pre-order it for just 99¢. Today it’s $3.99.


You could have saved three bucks, but did you?


Well, one person did.


Thank you.


I followed all of Mark Coker’s advice – he’s the Smashwords guy. I launched my pre-order campaign using the book’s cover, a preamble and a fifteen percent free preview, offered an attractive price, gave it a run up of two months, and even scheduled the launch on the day of the week he suggested to maximize the NY Times Bestseller List.


I did the same with Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing).


Then I sent out a hundred and sixty-five personal emails to people who have expressed an interest in my novels (not one to a friend, or family member mind you) and promoted it on Twitter, Booklikes, WordPress, and Promocave as often as I could and still keep a modicum of self-respect.


Am I surprised at the result? No.


Neither am I disheartened. I just go back to my core writing values and carry on.


Speaking of carrying on...


You still have an opportunity (13 more days actually) to nominate my new novel, The Widower, on Kindle Scout and help me win that $1500 advance and a publishing contract from Amazon.

Go to


Upon checking the campaign stats I see my book has had 104 page views, but has spent zero hours in “Hot and Trending”. Sounds like my life.


And though you missed the pre-order deal on Saving Spirit Bear you can still cash in on Loving the Terrorist – Beyond Eagleridge Bluffs. Until Dec. 5, 2015 you can pre-order it for 99¢ and save $3.00.

Go to or



Hey, it’s not all bad news. The Vancouver Public Library (I love libraries and especially the VPL) now carry three of my novels with the other two on order. At the time of this writing all copies are in use – how good is that!


No, I didn’t take them out myself.


Stay calm, be brave, watch for the signs.





Loving the Terrorist – 99¢ Beyond Eagleridge Bluffs

– order before December 6, 2015

After pre-order dates regular price will apply $3.99

To pre-order go to


Nominate The Widower,

my new novel on Kindle Scout


Video book reviews of self-published authors now at

Not Your Family, Not Your Friend Video Book Reviews:


Cover Art of books by self-published authors at


My new novels, FOREST – Love, Loss, Legend and The BIG PICTURE – A Camera, A Young Woman, An Uncompromising Ethic are available on Amazon and as e-books at


Visit my publisher’s website for excerpts from, and a buy link to my Eco-Fi series ECO-WARRIORS Book 3, Not Wonder More – Mad Maggie and the Mystery of the Ancients

ECO-WARRIOR Book 1, Saving Spirit Bear – What Price Success? is available at

ECO-WARRIOR Book 2, Loving the Terrorist - Beyond Eagleridge Bluffs is now available as in paperback at


More of my original photographs can be viewed, purchased, and shipped to you as GREETING CARDS; matted, laminated, mounted, framed, or canvas PRINTS; and POSTERS. Go to:


View my flickr photostream at


Or, My YouTube channel if you prefer photo videos accompanied by classical music