Rod Raglin

This blog will touch on the experiences I have as a writer (not to be mistaken for my experience as a writer, i.e. how many books I've written, etc); the pleasure and the pain, the joy and the grief, the satisfaction and the frustration, the magic and the reality - have I left anything out, oh yeah, the rejection, rejection and more rejection,  the humiliation and the embarrassment, the jealousy and the resentment - that pretty much covers it, except for why I do it which perhaps I'll realize along the way. Are you totally confused? Good, let's begin.

FREE E-BOOK - The TRIUMVIRATE - Love for Power, Love of Power, the Power of Love




Love for Power, Love of Power, the Power of Love

June 17-21


Download your copy now at




When terrorists kill Shyloh’s mother, he dedicates his life to making a better world. He recruits his childhood friends Aiya and Judith. With their intimate bond, exceptional talents and singular determination they become a formidable team as they grow to be leaders in their chosen fields of politics, religion and the military.


The unraveling of civilization caused by climate change brings unique challenges, and for each of them the goal begins to take on different meaning.


Whose better world will be best?



"This book traces Shyloh's efforts to make a better world of our present social, economic, and environmental crisis through creating a team of three unbiased leaders (The Triumvirate). The problems they address are real and will be known to the reader. They are today's headlines and, being unbiased, these three are revolutionaries in their own time. It is fast paced, a good story, and an easy read.

    This would be a GREAT choice for a bookclub to read and discuss. How can Shyloh relate to the world but not to his own neighbors? Why is Shyloh so helpless without women? Do the two women love him and, if so, why? Would not the two women have gone on to do the same things without him? And what about their politics? Are they right or wrong?"
    - Clark Wilkins, Author of A Compelling Unknown Force


"If you enjoy fiction/sci-fi, climate change and politics this could be a book for you.

I enjoyed the futuristic portrayals of Canada because of the connection with the many pressingsocial issues in our country's politics.

Touches on many divisive social issues of today (immigration, virus, climatechange, federal/provincial strain) and provides a unique perspective. The take on the Canadian confederation was particularly interesting to me because of the current issues in Alberta."

- Tom Urac, Author of Spartan Revolt


    "...unflinchingly stares down some of today's most contentious issues, whether they are of a socioeconomic, environmental, racial, or political nature.

"...sure to spark discussion amongst intellectuals and casual readers alike, ... highly recommend it as a selection for a reading group."
-- Jonathan Walter, Contributing author to THE DEVIL'S DOORBELL, GHOSTLIGHT, and DARK DOSSIER anthologies; and columnist for UXmatters Web magazine






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FREE E-BOOK - LOCAL RAG - News to Die For

LOCAL RAG - News to Die For
June 16-20
Download your copy now at
Jim Mitchell is a journalist and the publisher and editor of a community newspaper, The Sentinel.
He gave up a career with big media because he couldn't justify their choice of what to cover, couldn't tolerate the way they edited his stories and would not be implicit in misleading the public to benefit some hidden corporate agenda.
When he bought The Sentinel, he thought all that would end. Being the owner of "the local rag," he could select the stories, edit the copy and make sure the interests of the community were served.
He would print the truth - no slant, no bias, no spin, and he'd make a living doing it.
He was wrong.
Right from the beginning, Jim's brand of reportage rankles some powerful people, people who pay his bills. Then there's the new competitor, a multinational media conglomerate that's expanding its generic community newspaper format into The Sentinel's market area.
Soon it's a struggle for The Sentinel to make a profit and for Jim to keep true to his uncompromising ethics.
When his best friend, Anthony Bravaro decides to run for mayor Jim hopes he'll be an honest politician.
Hope turns to dismay as Jim watches the quest for power turn a good man bad. Tony's campaign tests Jim's professional objectivity and personal integrity.
When Jim confronts his friend with damaging information that could end his run for public office, he finds out how far Tony's prepared to go to win the mayor's seat - farther than he could ever have imagined.
“5 STARS for having given his readers a story which pits an individual trying to do what’s right when it comes to reporting the news against those who would rather keep the status quo in keeping what happens somewhere stays there.”
“... a dose of reality not seen on most major media. His story highlights the control over the minds of the public by special money factions. Readers have only to see similarities with today.”
“... engrossing and exciting story that moves quickly. The narrative comes alive because the characters are three dimensional. This is a novel well worth reading. Highly recommended.”
“Raglin ... grips the readers' attention from the very first page. He managed to put so many levels in this book - corruption, drugs, murder, threats, politics. Yet, there is also place for love and friendship ... he challenges his readers to get actively involved, to start asking questions and reconsidering their own life decisions”.
... this is the type of hard-hitting believability so often lacking in dramas nowadays.... presented at a crisp, fast-moving pace reminiscent of the best newspaper copy. The story moves along with realistic drama and life-threatening action as the hero…this is the type of hard-hitting believability so often lacking in dramas nowadays. I enjoyed this book immensely.”
- Keith Julius for Readers' Favorite Book Reviews - 5 STARS
..a well-designed, masterly written, and realistic murder mystery. (5 STARS)"
"Local Rag should appear to the careful reader much more than a well-designed, masterly written, and realistic murder mystery.
Local Rag is, in my opinion, a philosophical parable on the ultimate meaning of truth in our earthly lives. The last pages will clarify the individual relevance of the initial Aurelian quote in this story.
By the way, the closing image of the book is a powerful visual allegory about where humanity as a whole is heading fast, if not for a sharp change of route."
- Thomas Dalcolle, Author of Five Urban Stories - And Something Better

FREE E-BOOK. THE BIRD WHISPERER - Book 3 in The Mattie Saunders Series

FREE E-BOOK. JUNE 15-19, 2021


Book 3 in The Mattie Saunders Series


Love on the rocks, cultures in conflict, climate in crisis,

women at risk, birds on the brink.






Love on the rocks, cultures in conflict, climate in crisis, women at risk, birds on the brink. Romance, action and environmental issues combine for an entertaining and exciting exploration of provocative themes and contemporary culture.


The end of her relationship with rock star partner, Bodine, has left Mattie feeling unsettled and the death of a close friend has heightened her vulnerability. She hopes her fieldwork studying hummingbirds in The Rockies will allow her the peace to heal, but a #MeToo episode with her college professor forces her to flee into the wilderness.


She's rescued by Simon, an Indigenous person and activist for First Nations causes. His care and concern are comforting, and she finds herself attracted to him. But the attraction abruptly ends when they confront an eagle poacher who sells the feathers and body parts on the black market.


The poacher is Simon's cousin and he's not about to turn him over to the authorities. Cultural differences emerge and principles clash as Mattie realizes she has to decide between justice for the bird and her feelings for Simon.



“A very entertaining story with plenty of action and a strong female main character. The storyline is very good and contains several subplots. All the characters “gets” are realistic. A highly recommended novella that was very enjoyable.”




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FREE E-BOOK MAD MAGGIE and the Wisdom of the Ancients

FREE E-BOOK - June 14 – 18, 2021
MAD MAGGIE and the Wisdom of the Ancients
– Eco-Warriors Book 3
"Loved it! Couldn't put it down.
Download your copy now at
The first time Dieter Schmidt meets Mad Maggie is at a blockade on a logging road. He’s there to threaten the local First Nations band with court action if they don’t allow his client’s heavy equipment access to Deadman’s Island.
Maggie emerges from the forest, but rather than chastise the lawyer for his part in trying to replace this unique ecosystem of magnificent old-growth trees with a housing development, she gives him an ultimatum.
She will cure his yet-to-be-diagnosed terminal cancer if he saves the trees.
Dieter dismisses Maggie's prediction as the delusions of someone suffering from schizophrenia. But when he begins to cough up blood and is given six months to live, he has no alternative except to reconsider.
Mad Maggie and the Wisdom of the Ancients is a love story between two disparate characters, a brilliant, ambitious corporate lawyer whose personal and career mantra is "the will to power", and a free, uninhibited spirit who practices natural healing on a secluded island in the wilderness.
It's a story about protecting wild things and wild places as well as the devastating effects of mental illness and the stigma society inflicts on those affected. It's a story about compromise, tolerance and understanding and how these feelings spring from love and are nurtured by it. It's about mystery, secrets and power that abound in nature and within ourselves.
"Maggie is such an unexpected protagonist with so many barriers to achieving her dreams that I found her inspiring. I cheered for every single one of her victories. I feel that few romance heroines deserved HEA more."
- FIVE STARS, Shomeret on Flying High Reviews
"A good read that explores an improbable romance with all its consequences."
- FIVE STARS, C. Widmann, Goodreads review
"The storyline was captivating, the characters believable."
- FIVE STARS, Reviewed by Bitten by Books
"Magical story!"
- FOUR STARS, Elspeth, Goodreads review
"The plot was unconventional, it really had me hooked... Insightful.
- FOUR STARS, Dee, Goodreads review
"Loved it! Couldn't put it down."
- FOUR STARS, review





A Young Woman, a Camera, an Uncompromising Ethic

June 13-17

Download your copy now at



Young, talented, ambitious, Freyja Brynjarrson’s a photographer struggling to crash the art establishment, the challenges presented by her family, and keep true to her uncompromising ethic.

Fate places her on the front line of a political demonstration where soldiers open fire on civilians. She photographs death for the first time and the intensity makes everything she’s done previously in art and life seem inconsequential.

The current government is concerned these highly charged images could sway the voters against them. With a closely contested election only three days away, they’re doing whatever they can to attempt to suppress their publication. But someone far more unscrupulous than government spin-doctors also wants these images destroyed.

Gunnar Brynjarrson, Freyja’s eldest brother is the head of an illegal narcotics empire. He’s concerned about the opposition party’s platform to decriminalize drugs. His sister’s photographs could influence the outcome of a close election and put his business in jeopardy.

As events unfold, Freyja slowly becomes aware of the far-reaching impact the billions of narco dollars have on the government, the economy, friends, family and even herself. Something insidious has infected society and like a superbug, it’s resilient, opportunistic and appears as a mutation in the most unexpected places.

Freyja refuses to compromise and is intolerant and unforgiving of those who succumb to this evil or are complicit in their acceptance of it. If she stays at home, she’s afraid she’ll be infected and never attain success on her own terms. She takes an assignment with an international agency photographing the chaos and casualties of Mexico’s drug war. Freyja soon discovers she’s shot only one frame of ‘the big picture’.

The Big Picture focuses on dramatic action, zooms in on political intrigue, and takes a candid snapshot of modern romance. The plot also reveals how narco dollars, overtly and covertly, influence every level of our lives; the wars we fight, the governments we elect, the impact on healthcare, and most importantly and tragically, our personal relationships.


"The plot of The Big Picture, with its twists and reversals of fortune, imaginative and fast moving...extremely compelling. ....characters are diverse, well developed, and real... ...imagery is powerful and fresh. The book is an excellent read and pausing to experience some of the imagery makes it even better."


"The Big Picture is ...a thought-provoking novel that is smartly written with genuine emotional, no holds barred dialogue, and events that will punch you in the heart. - This book was a gem to read and an interesting one at that."

"...a journey of self discovery... a coming-of-age, social thriller... focused on key ethical questions... a creative solution to expose the links of social problems."
Tom Pope - for Bookpleasures

"I like the plot and the plotters...Arni's sense of humor and the dynamics in the Brynjarsson family...Gunnar the druglord, BB the addict, Arni the hedonist, Giordana who rationalizes and Freyja who wants to fight. I like the love story, too. Freyja and Marty with their differences and similarities make a good couple.
... (there are) moral issues in The Big Picture. The drugs, corruption, the way people with beliefs and principles slowly drop them in the treadmill of politics and re-elections. What drug money does to each of the Brynjarssons. Freyja's ethics against Gunnar's power."
- C. Widmann, Goodreads Review


Imaginative and fast moving...extremely compelling...will punch you in the heart.
5 STARS - Readers' Favorite Book Reviews


This is a fascinating novel...adventure, excitement, drug cartels, family issues, romance...themes that are important and questions we sometimes need to ask ourselves.

Judge's commentary - 2nd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published eBook Awards







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LOVING THE TERRORIST – EcoWarrior Series – Book 2

What would you risk to save a very special wild place?

June 12-16

Download your copy now at




Risking it all.

Miriam is forty and frustrated. In an attempt to enhance her living-just-to-breathe life she joins some neighbours protesting a highway bypass that will destroy Eagleridge Bluffs. Not only are the Bluffs her special sanctuary, but they’re also the beautiful home of rare and endangered plants and animals.

The protest gains the support of environmental organizations including the attention of a group of eco-radicals lead by an enigmatic young man named Zaahir.

Miriam is mesmerized by this charismatic leader and sees him as someone that can save her as well as the Bluffs. But is Zaahir just using Miriam to help him further his radical political agenda?

As legal channels fail and civil disobedience falters, Miriam is seduced into the murky world of eco-terrorism.



"... a thrilling read, full of action and romance with a few twists thrown in for good measure."
"Raglin has constructed something special here, bringing the book to life with his wonderful descriptions and great way of drawing the characters out."
                                                              FIVE STARS - Readers' Favorite Book Reviews

"I loved this book! It had everything from romance to action, and it also addressed some important environmental issues which I have great interest in. I look forward to reading the other books in the Eco-Warriors series.
- FIVE STARS - S. McConville, Goodreads review


"Rod Raglin crafts a wonderful, thrilling tale with Eagleridge Bluffs (Loving the Terrorist). His unique author's voice shines through in this lovely novel, with the characters of Zahir and Miriam springing to life from its pages."
- FIVE STARS - L. Newman, Goodreads review

"This is a short but fulfilling read. The author has a unique voice and a great ability to tell a story. You are captured from the first page to the last and want more when it's over."
- FOUR STARS - Melissa, Goodreads review

   Timely topic presented through believable circumstance - FIVE STARS
   Raglin is a master at breathing life into his characters. Every individual is meticulously developed, each with their own flaws and merits. Relatable interactions are seamlessly woven together in this heart-rending glimpse into how human greed and our relentless push for immediate gratification can destroy irreplaceable natural beauty and crucial environmental diversity. And how believing in a dream can end in joy.
   - Mary Keefer, Amazon Verified Purchase






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FREE E-BOOK - COLD-BLOODED – The Mattie Saunders Series – Book 2


COLD-BLOODED – The Mattie Saunders Series – Book 2

June 11-15

Download your copy now at




The Reptile Refuge where Liz volunteers has been closed by police while they investigate a suspicious death that took place on the premises. Desperately needing a home for her reptiles, she reaches out to an old friend from high school, Mattie Saunders, and asks if it's possible to temporarily board them at Saunders Bird Sanctuary? 

Mattie knows she should be more concerned with the circumstances but sees it as an opportunity to reconnect with her friend, as well as help some animals in distress. It's only after two members of the RCMP drug squad confront Mattie in a coffee shop and suggest that Liz's involvement at the refuge was more than looking after its inhabitants.

The refuge's owner, Leborg Kovacevic, used the facility as a front for his drug trafficking business, and not only Liz was Kovacevic's partner but also his partner-in-crime. Breaking the law isn’t the only risk Mattie’s taking, her life might also be in danger considering the company she keeps.

Too late she finds out Liz has something in common with the pythons, geckos, and iguanas she's seeking shelter for.
They're all cold-blooded.






#reptiles #ExoticPets #DrugAddiction #Homelessness #RockandRoll #friendship #loyalty #relationships #parrots #conservation #petrescue #snakes #Lizards #iguanas #pythons

#romance #adventure #action #murder #dysfunctionalfamilies



SAVING SPIRIT BEAR – Eco-Warriors Book 1

June 10 – 14, 2021

Download your copy now at


What Price Success?

Kimberley James hopes her new assignment will jumpstart her stalled career with a New York corporate relations firm. Her client wants to develop a mega ski resort in northern Canada. Her job is to convince the current owners of the land to sell. With millions of dollars to be made, it seems like a done deal.

Until she runs up against Jonah Baker.

Baker is part owner of a lodge on the land and an ardent environmentalist. He's not about to permit a development that threatens ancient rainforests and the habitat of the rare and endangered Spirit Bear for any price.

Kim begrudgingly respects his principles before profit, but cannot allow a tree-hugging, bear-loving zealot to derail her fast track to success. Jonah admires her determination and worldliness but will fight to the end to stop a materialistic corporate climber from destroying something rare and unique.

Spirit Bear is the first in the stand-alone series ECO-WARRIORS.




"I loved Spirit Bear and was hooked by the second page. Raglin paints spectacular landscapes with his words. His knowledge, work and support of the wilderness made it that much more real. I felt compassion for both the main characters and was very happy the way Raglin ended the story. I really felt the promise of something great. I will be reading the next book immediately."

- FIVE STARS - Reviewed by Bitten by Books


"I liked the concept of Spirit Bear. It was unique.. something I haven't read a million times before. I wanted to read it because of the environmental aspects... the conflict between the corporation wanting to build a ski development and Jonah trying to save his family lodge for an eco-tourism location. The descriptions of nature and trees were wonderful. Kimberley's inner struggle between doing what was right for the environment and doing what was right for her career was a great element. Jonah's patience and acceptance of her ... made his character stand out." 

- Reviewed by Tina Gibbons at Readers' Favorite Book Reviews


"An exciting read ... I couldn't put it down."

- Lewis Dakin, Goodreads Review


"... beautiful description of the landscape and wildlife ... it really is a joy to read it!" - - - - Elspeth, Goodreads Review


A strong preservation message with a side of romance

The ecological preservation message underlying the story really resonated with me and Raglin presents it in a way that identifies the problem without preaching. We need more stories like this, which show the real communities, both animal and human, and ecosystems at stake when an area that should be treated with respect and reverence is threatened by overdevelopment.

- Hayleigh Sol - author of Unexpected Find, Book 1 in the Silver Falls Series #books



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FREE E-BOOK. The Rocker and the Bird Girl

FREE E-BOOK. MAY 27 & 28, 2021

The Rocker and the Bird Girl.

Book 1 in The Mattie Saunders Series


Download your free copy now at



Meet Mattie Saunders…

Quick-tempered, intolerant, and defensive, Mattie Saunders loves birds, but not so much people. A childhood spent in one foster home after another has made her wary of commitment as evidenced by an absence of close friends and difficulty with intimate relationships. Instead, she's filled her life rescuing and rehabilitating exotic birds people buy as pets and then abandoned.
Experience Mattie's heartaches and happy times as well as personal and professional triumphs and tragedies as she grows from a young adult with a passion for birds to a controversial expert in the field of ornithology.

The Mattie Saunders Series: Romance and action combine with provocative themes for an exciting and entertaining exploration of contemporary culture and issues.


The Rocker and the Bird Girl – Book 1

The Saunders Exotic Bird Sanctuary, a not-for-profit rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing establishment for exotic birds people buy as pets and then abandon, is out of money. In an effort to raise some so her birds won't be homeless yet again, owner Mattie Saunders reaches out to Bodine, the lead guitarist of the bad-boy rock band Seditious. She's learned he has a macaw as a pet and since it's obvious he's wealthy she hopes he'll be sympathetic and use some of the money he now spends on his hedonistic lifestyle to help these precious, beautiful creatures. They're hardly birds of a feather, but Mattie's not about to kill the goose if it promises a golden egg.

Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll have taken their toll on Bodine, lead guitarist and songwriter for Seditious, the chart-topping, outrageous rock band. He's just playing the part until something better comes along. The problem is what's better than being a rich and famous rock idol? Certainly not helping some overzealous young woman save exotic birds, even if his best friend is a Blue and Gold Macaw.


★★★★  "... a seriously non-traditional love story"
   The Rocker and the Bird Girl … a seriously non-traditional love story. Written by an environmentalist, the novel not only paints a sweet picture of hearts in tune, but offers respect for the breathtaking gift of the colorful birds of the rainforest. Raglin's words caution the reader to study the serious consequences of pet adoption, while creating a heart-warming novella that contains just the right amount of romance.
   - Reviewed by Lisa McCombs for Readers' Favorite


Download your free copy now at


The new author as fresh meat

As a new author, do you feel preyed upon?


As you pursue your dream do you ever feel predators are waiting at every part of the journey? As soon as you pause or hesitate, show any lack of confidence, or you ask yourself can I do this, they pounce.



Their mantra is you need a professional. You don’t have the expertise. Even if you did, you’d still need them for a different perspective. Anything free is not as good. Anyone who volunteers to help is an amateur. You’ve invested so much time and effort into your dream don’t sell it short. You’re worth it. Your dream is worth it.


The predators come in the form of book marketers who claim only they know how to get your book in front of all those potential readers. They’re editors who suggest a typo or a dropped word (which they would catch) is the difference between success and failure. They’re graphic artists who have invested heavily in image manipulating software that can be adapted to whatever purpose including book covers. They’re hybrid publishers, a cabal of all the aforementioned.


All that stands between you and success according to them is their services. Oh, yes, and their fee.


It’s great to have a dream but financing it unfortunately is where reality sets in. In most ventures, dreams aside, a cost benefit analysis is compulsory, as is some rudimentary market research. Why not undertake both for the novel you’re considering publishing?


Professionals can cost you thousands of dollars and the truth is a slick, error-free package doesn’t guarantee a best seller. In fact, it doesn’t even guarantee a return on your investment. Do the math. If you sell your e-book on Amazon for $3.99 your net royalty is about $1.40. How many books will you have to sell to pay the cost of the professionals?


Now, take into consideration what the marketplace is like for today’s authors.

The number of books being published every year has exploded. 1.7 million books were self-published in the U.S. in 2018, an increase of 264% in just five years.

Book sales are stagnant. The average U.S. book is now selling less than 200 copies per year and less than 1,000 copies over its lifetime.


(You can check this and more depressing facts out for yourself in a well-source article by Steven Piersanti, Senior Editor, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Updated June 24, 2020 at


Save your money. Invest in how-to-write books, programs and courses. Put your work out there and seriously consider what other writers are saying about how to improve it. Search out other writers at your level or better and develop professional relationships. Be patient. Work hard. You’ll discover it’s as much about the journey as the destination.

When you think you’re ready go ahead and self-publish. It’s easy, it’s exciting and it’s free. Make mistakes. You can always upload corrections, or for that matter, unpublish the book and start again.  Keep at it.


Don’t worry too much about success, be more concerned about becoming a better writer.



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Military weaponry, tactics and protocols highlight sci-fi non-stop battle thriller

Seven Soldiers: War of the Worlds

by Clark Wilkins


Military weaponry, tactics and protocols highlight sci-fi non-stop battle thriller



In September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill claimed they were abducted by aliens on a rural road in New Hampshire. After being taken aboard a spaceship they were subjected to a number of examinations including tissue samples, then released unharmed. The Hills informed the authorities and under hypnosis divulged the details of the events including the alien’s home star of Zeta Retiucli. This event was sufficiently genuine to be investigated by the FBI, CIA and Air Force.


Fast forward three hundred years.


The Interplanetary Defense Force (IDF) is in full retreat. They arrived on the planet to put down a rebellion and in their first encounter have taken a vicious beating. Who is this unknown enemy that turns their own weapons against them? An enemy they have yet to even see.


Their only chance is to regroup but how can they do that when the enemy is picking them off as they fall back. Once the army has withdrawn across a dam, they might have a chance but only if they can hold the dam and stop the advance. They need volunteers to make this stand. Seven soldiers step up for what is most likely a suicide mission.


Not only must they keep the enemy at bay, but the beautiful Dr. Nirawon Kaiser demands they capture one of the enemy to discover possible physiological vulnerabilities.


The battle ensues and Kaiser gets her wish only to discover an astounding link between the capabilities of the enemy and a UFO incident three centuries ago.


Once again, author Clark Wilkins excels in detailed research, this time into weaponry and military tactics and protocols. It’s well worth the read as an entertaining education into these specific areas. Seven Soldiers: War of Worlds is well structured with rising tension building to an unexpected climax.


Characterization is thin and stereotypical though thorough enough to carry the plot from one detailed description of weapons, their deployment and tactical strategy to another.


In previous works, Wilkins has cleverly blended fact with fiction adding an extra level of authenticity. However, in Seven Soldiers: War of Worlds, since the suggested link introduced by the actual Zeta Retiucli prologue doesn’t manifest itself until some three hundred years in the future the technique fails to invoke that sense of eerie intrigue.






The death of love – and what comes after


“Ah, so this is what the world looks like from the epicenter of grief–”


Songs for Solo Voice

By James R. Whitley


This quote from Here, one of the poems in James R. Whitley’s Songs for Solo Voice, sums up this entire book of thirty-five poems.

After a second reading, I realized the works reminded me of the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance. Though Whitley’s book only has four parts, with a little rearranging and a bit of imagination the poems began to take on a significance for me they didn’t have initially.

The entire collection appears to focus on a failed relationship, the death of love, and begins with works that address anger and bargaining. A stanza from Souvenir says it best, “If I take it all back—the jagged insults hurled like careless daggers, the failing stargazer lilies and their accusations of neglect, every unconscionably late anniversary gift—could there be room left for negotiation?”

In Quite Taken, the bargaining continues for a reprieve from the unrelenting pain: “Does it explain my pleas for mercy that continue long after the church has crumbled to dust around me?”

Depression that comes with loss is expressed in Sostenuto“No matter how striking the tune, the sound after a song has been sung is no sound at all."

The suffering continues, but with a glimmer of acceptance with the realization in Here“is not just where I am, but where I am meant to be.”

Gradually the poems convey a hint of optimism as in Here, Finally, “…there comes a point when you realize that, no matter how long or torturous, no road is your enemy.” By the end of Songs for Solo Voice, the impression is one of reconstruction and working through, “but know that, when it comes to loss, none of us is immune." (Trembling Deliciously) and “…a game played—however badly, however distressing the ultimate defeat— was an option to win something. (The Inside Story of It)

And finally, in She Hangs Brightly, a declaration of hope; “Trust me when I say you will survive this, despite the difficult music lurking in the background. This is just the music of never-forgetting-her, the score of the rest of your life.”

Whitley uses a number of musical terms, which this reviewer did not understand or initially appreciate. But after looking up their definition found them to be remarkably appropriate in subsequent readings.

When read individually, most of the poems in this collection are exceptional for their raw beauty and intensity. However, as a theme, the bitterness and disappointment, the self-flagellating, and accompanying insecurity become burdensome.

Regret, like worry, is unproductive and tedious

The Rez: Brutal truth - no blame assigned


 Brutal truth - no blame assigned


The Rez: An American Love Story 

By g. Michael Madison





It’s 1956 and the Tulalip Indian Reservation on the coast of northern Washington State is not where Ginny Thomas wants to live, nor is it where she wants her daughter Nikki-D, to be brought up. But it’s where her husband, Nick, is able to get a job managing a small regional bank. Despite her disappointment, the family still lives in the biggest house at the top of Mission Bluffs, looking out over Puget Sound and down on The Rez.

It’s a "them and us" community separated by wealth (or the lack of it), race, and elevation. The Indians stay below near the shoreline. Going where you don’t belong can be met with derision and violence, so it’s not surprising when Jonny, a young Indian boy, climbs the bluffs he’s confronted by two older white kids who set about beating him up. What is surprising is when Nikki-D happens upon this altercation and takes the side of the Indian boy. This chance meeting leads to a life-long friendship that has ramifications that change the perspectives, if not the lives, of both individuals, as well as their families and community.

The Rez: An American Love Story is set in a tumultuous time in America’s history and the characters are impacted by events including the Vietnam War but because of their disparate circumstances, each experiences them differently.

The powerful narrative voice of author g. Michael Madison imparts the story with brutal honesty and authenticity. His use of multiple points of view, not just that of Indians, bestows impartiality to the message. The multitude of characters wash over the reader like an extended family and are depicted not as stereotypical victims or oppressors but as genuine individuals.

Madison addresses prejudice, discrimination, and how the gap between rich and poor affects a community providing advantages for some and denying the opportunity for others, but he does it without assigning blame.

Despite the extremes, the author manages to instill empathy for even the most privileged. There is suffering and success, anxiety and joy despite their situations.

The Rez: An American Love Story, is not only about romantic love, but it’s also about loving yourself, loving your neighbors and community, and even loving your country. It’s about being tolerant and understanding of their flaws and shortcomings and striving to improve all that it entails. The deep humanity depicted by Madison can serve as a guide toward truth and reconciliation with First Nations people by acknowledging that accepting and encouraging diversity neither denies nor diminishes ourselves.


Reviewed by Rod Raglin


Mutane Town chilling blend of fact and fiction


What kind of people would choose to live in such a toxic environment,

even fight to stay there?

What’s wrong with them?

What are they hiding? 


It’s 1975 and the American military is about to undertake a two-day top-secret mission. It involves helicopter insertion of a four-man camera crew in full battle gear into a government-ordered abandoned town. Their assignment is to film any evidence of anyone still there, then return and report their findings. 


The town is Boston Mills, Ohio.


Chief Corporal Mason Wyatt and his three-man team have been cautioned that those who are left may not appreciate them coming it. In which case they could be armed. 

But as far as the unit is concerned, this mission is just routine. After all, this is Ohio, not hillbilly country or Vietnam, and it’s only for 28 hours. It can’t be dangerous. It will be a cakewalk. 


But Boston Mills isn’t just another hamlet in the rural Midwest. It’s now known as “Hell Town” and is home to a hazardous waste dump where the nearby river is so polluted it can actually be lit on fire. The poisoned environment smells like sulphur and has propagated mutant weeds that have overrun the landscape growing up through asphalt and blocking roads. 


What kind of people would choose to live in such a toxic environment, even fight to stay there? What’s wrong with them? What are they hiding? 


Corporal Mason and his team are about to find out. 


Mutane Town is Clark Wilkins at his best, blending fact with fiction creating the eerie feeling perhaps the author has some insight into these macabre actual events that are the basis of many of his stories. 


His extensive research and use of bona fide findings from government reports give this fast passed story a chilling sense of authenticity. Indeed, as Wilkins points out, what the reports don’t reveal is even more disturbing. 



Online Reviews - Is it time for an integrity check?




Manipulating book reviews is hurting readers and writers alike.



First, I must disclose I get paid to write book reviews.


I’m contracted by a company that gets paid $200 by the author, publicist, marketing agency, publisher, someone, anyone, to have a book reviewed. They send me a list, I choose the book I want to read and then write an honest review. They pay me 20% or $40.00USD. I’m not told what to write only that it has to be thorough, well-written and between 400 and 450 words.


What’s a bit disconcerting is I don’t own the review, the client who paid for it does. My review goes back to the client and they decide whether or not it gets posted. Not surprising, anything less than four stars gets killed.


But as a writer for hire that’s the deal. Hey, as a journalist I’ve had news stories killed because they offended the publisher’s golfing buddy.


The difficulty I’m having is when it comes to reviews of my own fiction.


I won’t pay for reviews. I know it doesn’t make sense does. I get paid to write reviews of other people’s books, but I won’t pay to have people write reviews of mine. Anyhow, I can’t afford to pay $200 for a bad review, and, yes, at least half of the reviews I get paid to write you wouldn’t be posting on the back cover of your book or highlighting on your author’s website.


As I’m sure you have, I’ve tried many ways to attract reviews, mostly with free books. I ask the recipients to write and post an honest review though less than one percent do and some aren’t favourable.


But let’s talk about those unfavourable reviews.


I’ve learned a lot from well-considered bad reviews and unfortunately, there have been quite a few. I’ve been told my characters are stereotypes, had plot holes pointed out and been condemned for not tying up the loose ends in the denouement. What I’m saying is you can learn from bad reviews, but not if you don’t allow any to be posted.


This brings me to the point, (finally, you say),

of authors collaborating in review exchanges.


When I've entered into these collaborations, I’ve frequently been asked to agree not to post our reviews until each of us has had an opportunity to review the review. I’ve agreed on their behalf but suggest they post the review of my work regardless. However, if my review of their book is less than four stars or even has a hint of criticism it’s invariably declined.


The other disconcerting thing is getting a five-star review when it’s apparent the reviewer never read my book. The review is a couple of paragraphs scant on details and big on generalizations like “unique voice”, “great find”, “memorable characters”, “thrilling plotline”.


So, my question is, who is benefitting?


  • - Certainly not the reader if he or she is buying a book on the strength of the review rating.
  • - Not the author who refuses to accept legitimate criticism thus never improves as a writer.
  • - Not authors who let legitimate criticism stand if they’re compared against bogus good ones.
  • - Not the writing community since the pool of reviews has been poisoned by bogus ones and no longer has any credibility


I understand how important it is to have our work reviewed, but I’m urging you to not only let the opinion of the reviewer be posted regardless of the rating, insist upon it. That will motivate you to improve your craft and also begin to return credibility to the review pool. A fringe benefit may also be keeping your integrity intact, though today that’s becoming more a liability than an asset.


To paraphrase, you can fool some of the readers some of the time. In other words, it’s highly unlikely you’ll achieve a level of real success on the strength of bogus reviews. If you’re going to become truly successful you must first become a good writer. Participating in anything less than ethical reviews won’t help you succeed and you’re making it more difficult for everyone else.



As a reader and as a writer, I will no longer purchase books I believe have achieved their rating through less than ethical means. If you’re serious about writing I encourage you to consider adopting this policy as I believe it will benefit us all in the long run and face it, it is a long run.


Here are some tips that may indicate

reviews have been less than ethically achieved:


- A new self-published book has a lot of 4-5 star reviews in a short period – 3 months.

- There are more ratings than reviews and all of them are 4-5 stars.

- Do a web search of the reviewer. If it’s a company like Kirkus, then their policy is likely not to publish reviews of less than 4-5 stars.

- There are no bad or even mediocre reviews or ratings.

- Reviews use generic language and don’t address the story. Examples would be “original voice”, “thrilling plotline”, “memorable characters” “great find”. 

- Read the preview. Do the reviews reflect the level the author is writing at?


Do we have the courage to do this?




Amazon Author Page:




Project Renaissance mostly notable for seamless morphing of multiple tropes


Project Renaissance: White Wings

by Brian Gates


Booker Vaux and his friend and partner Sam Murphy are best buddies and super cops, you know the kind who wisecrack when facing down violent criminals armed to the teeth intent on killing them and a host of innocent bystanders. Outnumbered, outgunned, they take down the bad guys without even losing their sense of humour.

When Booker’s devoted wife and two loveable kids are kidnapped without motivation or ransom, he and Sam will stop at nothing to get them back. With the help of an anti-establishment hacker who feeds him clues, they set out on a search that includes a prerequisite car chase, numerous shootouts and gruesome murders all leading toward the high-tech mega-maniacal corporate mogul with plans to take over the world by introducing humanoid artificial intelligence who are programmed to do his bidding.

Project Renaissance: White Wings by Brian Gates is notable mostly for the morphing of several genre tropes into one seamless story. The introduction of some imaginative next-generation social technology also has to be appreciated, though unless you’re a gamer or have a keen interest in this area you may find the author’s extended explanations tedious. Plot twists keep the story interesting, but the outcome is never in doubt no matter how impossible it may appear to be.



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